Busted.....Mr. Milo, kitten #2 did paw dips into my milk glass and then decided to stick his head in the glass and ended up with milk on his chin. So cute. He was then in the bathtub waiting for me to turn on the water so he could get a drink of water when I needed to capture this photo opportunity for a "Got Milk?" photo. Milo is not a kitten anymore but is still my 16 pound baby. This photo makes him look skinny. Milo a.k.a. My-Lo, Mylar, pumpkin butt and baby boy. Pathetic, I know. He also looks like a mountain lion which is his idol. Yes, he is spoiled.
The Skiers breakfast burrito – Beaumont bakery
2 months ago
Mylars kitten! Up to mischief! We you drinking the milk to wash down a Michelle Marie Lemon tart perhaps?