Saturday, December 12, 2009

A day with Allesandra

I was blessed to spend the day with niece Allesandra! What a fun day. Rainy and stormy outside made it a perfect day to spend with loved ones. My brother Jeff brought his daughter over for a visit. I have a balance ball in my bedroom that has now become my nieces' favorite toy! The ball is larger than she is tall. It is so funny to watch her try to maneuver the ball around.

Besides playing bouncy ball on the bed, balance ball, we also decided to use it as a pillow on the bed while we tried to push buttons on the remote to make the TV work. Allesandra was in search of Dora the Explorer!

Allesandra never leaves the house without her purple back pack to load her favorite toys and snacks in. Her latest thing she is into is FAIRIES!

So Allesandra and her Dad were playing fairies at the kitchen table! That is a first for me to see my brother flying fairies around. It was cute and funny at the same time. During play time Allesandra wanted "Juicy". I gave her some apple juice and it was so cute because she called it "apple sauce juicy".

Then Jeff thought it would good for Jaguar, Alle's stuffed animal to meet Milo my cat.


Allesandra wanted to share her fairies with Milo. He was nice enough to sniff them but wasn't interested in playing.

As you can tell, he went to hide. Well, sort of.....

Allesandra fits under the table being she is only 2.5 years! Perfect play area. She insisted Milo play with the fairies!



~Family Love~


  1. Oh Jules!
    The pictures are just precious! I miss all you guys so much and am anxious to see you all soon! I see there are lots of twinkle lights strung up in the house! Never can have enough of those! I keep adding more and more and it's just so cheerful!

    Anut Nancy

  2. What fun! I especially love the father-daughter tea party. Sooooooooo cute.
    Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon.


  3. Hi Julie ! Can I hire you as my personal chef ? Just got done looking over your blog and great recipes ! Yum ! Also, enjoyed Jeff and Fairrriezzz ! Alle is so so cute. I loved the one of her under the table with Milo....& those mischievious cats involved in the Christmas cards...looked like she just couldn't resist temptation ! See you soon, Love, Ant Janet


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